
Capsules and Tablets

Capsules and Tablets

Surabhi Saara – Gou Arka Capsule

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Product details

Helps to reduce the risk of formation of kidney stones, dry mouth problem
Helps to removes blood abnormalities and toxins, stimulates urinary tract, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
Maintain blood Pressure and hydration of the body.
Helps to cures hereditary rheumatism, increase appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness
Helps to prevent infectious and degenerative diseases, inflammation and allergies.
Helps to purifies blood and neutralizes stomach acidity. Also helps to relieve heartburn and indigestion.
Helps to stabilize bile, mucous and air of body, stabilizes blood formation.
Helps to purifies the blood, increase the bone strength and decrease the acidity. Also helps to prevent osteoporosis.
Helps to reduce high blood pressure, helps to relieving insomnia and anxiety, helps to cure premenstrual syndrome, migraines headaches, helps to improve bone and heart health.
A good germicidal. It helps to stop growth of germs, protect decay due to gangrene. It also helps to regulate blood sugar, improve brain function and thyroid health.
A good antioxidant, helps with everything from heart health to cancer prevention.
Maintains balance and helps in productions of red cells and hemoglobin. Stabilizes working power.
Helps to boost immune systems, It plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repairs. Helps to treat the common cold and recurrent ear infections, flu, respiratory tract infections, malaria and other diseases caused by parasites. Helps to cure asthama, diabetes, high blood pressure, depressions. Helps to reduce the risk of all type of cancer.
Helps to repair and regenerate tissues, protect against heart diseases, aid in the absorption of iron, prevent scurvy. Helps to decrease the bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
A good antioxidant. It helps to treat range of problems of the heart and blood, diabetes and related complications. Also beneficial for the eyes and skin related problems.
A good antioxidant. It helps to improve vision, bone growth, hair growth, cell functions and immune systems. Helps to cure liver diseases, cystic fibrosis and crohn's diseases.
Helps to maintain the health of bones and teeth, support the health of immune system, brain and nervous systems. Helps to regulate on insulin levels and aid diabetes management, support lung function and cardiovascular health, influence the expression of genes involved in cancer development

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